Official Volleyball Box Score


12/6/2015 at 3:30pm
@ College of the Canyo
Final 1 2 3 Score
Cabrillo (29-2) 25 25 25 3
LA Pierce (31-2) 21 23 20 0
Set: 1st  |  2nd  |  3rd
  CABRILLO starters: Sydney Stanley; Marcela Frazzoni; Eden Fukushima; Natalie Picone; Patrice Wiliams; Amber Bothman; libero Alyssa Nelson.  
  LAPIERCE starters: Chelsea Lawrence; Shanon Volpis; Rachel Lods; Leanna Schott; Kamala Lovick; Montana Sheppard; libero Darrin Rice.  
1-0 [Kamala Lovick] Kill by Marcela Frazzoni (from Eden Fukushima). Point CABRILLO
2-0 [Alyssa Nelson] Kill by Patrice Wiliams (from Eden Fukushima), block error by Shanon Volpis. Point CABRILLO
[Alyssa Nelson] Kill by Chelsea Lawrence (from Rachel Lods). Point LAPIERCE 2-1
3-1 [Darrin Rice] Service error. Point CABRILLO
  CABRILLO subs: Olivia Tabron; Sydney Stanley.  
[Eden Fukushima] Kill by Montana Sheppard (from Rachel Lods). Point LAPIERCE 3-2
  LAPIERCE subs: Bea Hernandez; Chelsea Lawrence.  
4-2 [Bea Hernandez] Kill by Olivia Tabron (from Eden Fukushima). Point CABRILLO
5-2 [Marcela Frazzoni] Attack error by Leanna Schott (block by Patrice Wiliams). Point CABRILLO
[Marcela Frazzoni] Kill by Rachel Lods (from Kamala Lovick). Point LAPIERCE 5-3
  LAPIERCE subs: Zaire Dartis; Kamala Lovick; Julia Erickson; Montana Sheppard.  
6-3 [Julia Erickson] Kill by Olivia Tabron (from Eden Fukushima). Point CABRILLO
  CABRILLO subs: Chloe Dane; Patrice Wiliams.  
[Chloe Dane] Kill by Zaire Dartis. Point LAPIERCE 6-4
[Leanna Schott] Ball handling error by Alyssa Nelson. Point LAPIERCE 6-5
7-5 [Leanna Schott] Attack error by Zaire Dartis. Point CABRILLO
  CABRILLO subs: Sydney Stanley; Olivia Tabron.  
8-5 [Sydney Stanley] Kill by Natalie Picone (from Eden Fukushima). Point CABRILLO
[Sydney Stanley] Service error. Point LAPIERCE 8-6
  LAPIERCE subs: Chelsea Lawrence; Bea Hernandez.  
9-6 [Rachel Lods] Attack error by Chelsea Lawrence (block by Amber Bothman; Natalie Picone). Point CABRILLO
[Natalie Picone] Attack error by Marcela Frazzoni (block by Chelsea Lawrence; Shanon Volpis). Point LAPIERCE 9-7
  LAPIERCE subs: Kamala Lovick; Zaire Dartis; Montana Sheppard; Julia Erickson.  
10-7 [Kamala Lovick] Service error. Point CABRILLO
  CABRILLO subs: Patrice Wiliams; Chloe Dane.  
[Alyssa Nelson] Kill by Montana Sheppard (from Rachel Lods). Point LAPIERCE 10-8
11-8 [Darrin Rice] Service error. Point CABRILLO
  CABRILLO subs: Olivia Tabron; Sydney Stanley.  
[Eden Fukushima] Kill by Leanna Schott. Point LAPIERCE 11-9
  LAPIERCE subs: Bea Hernandez; Chelsea Lawrence.  
[Bea Hernandez] Service ace (Alyssa Nelson). Point LAPIERCE 11-10
12-10 [Bea Hernandez] Service error. Point CABRILLO
13-10 [Marcela Frazzoni] Kill by Patrice Wiliams (from Eden Fukushima). Point CABRILLO
[Marcela Frazzoni] Kill by Leanna Schott (from Rachel Lods). Point LAPIERCE 13-11
  LAPIERCE subs: Zaire Dartis; Kamala Lovick; Julia Erickson; Montana Sheppard.  
14-11 [Julia Erickson] Kill by Olivia Tabron (from Eden Fukushima). Point CABRILLO
  Timeout LAPIERCE.  
  CABRILLO subs: Chloe Dane; Patrice Wiliams.  
15-11 [Chloe Dane] Service ace (Julia Erickson). Point CABRILLO
16-11 [Chloe Dane] Attack error by Leanna Schott (block by Amber Bothman; Natalie Picone). Point CABRILLO
[Chloe Dane] Kill by Leanna Schott. Point LAPIERCE 16-12
17-12 [Leanna Schott] Kill by Natalie Picone (from Eden Fukushima). Point CABRILLO
  CABRILLO subs: Sydney Stanley; Olivia Tabron.  
[Sydney Stanley] Kill by Zaire Dartis (from Rachel Lods). Point LAPIERCE 17-13
  LAPIERCE subs: Chelsea Lawrence; Bea Hernandez.  
[Rachel Lods] Kill by Chelsea Lawrence (from Rachel Lods). Point LAPIERCE 17-14
[Rachel Lods] Attack error by Natalie Picone (block by Chelsea Lawrence; Shanon Volpis). Point LAPIERCE 17-15
[Rachel Lods] Service ace (Sydney Stanley). Point LAPIERCE 17-16
  Timeout CABRILLO.  
18-16 [Rachel Lods] Attack error by Shanon Volpis. Point CABRILLO
[Natalie Picone] Kill by Zaire Dartis (from Rachel Lods). Point LAPIERCE 18-17
  LAPIERCE subs: Montana Sheppard; Julia Erickson; Kamala Lovick; Zaire Dartis.  
19-17 [Kamala Lovick] Kill by Marcela Frazzoni (from Eden Fukushima). Point CABRILLO
  CABRILLO subs: Patrice Wiliams; Chloe Dane.  
[Alyssa Nelson] Service error. Point LAPIERCE 19-18
20-18 [Darrin Rice] Kill by Patrice Wiliams (from Eden Fukushima). Point CABRILLO
  CABRILLO subs: Olivia Tabron; Sydney Stanley.  
[Eden Fukushima] Kill by Leanna Schott (from Rachel Lods). Point LAPIERCE 20-19
  LAPIERCE subs: Bea Hernandez.  
21-19 [Bea Hernandez] Kill by Marcela Frazzoni (from Eden Fukushima). Point CABRILLO
[Marcela Frazzoni] Kill by Montana Sheppard (from Rachel Lods). Point LAPIERCE 21-20
  LAPIERCE subs: Zaire Dartis; Kamala Lovick; Julia Erickson; Montana Sheppard.  
22-20 [Julia Erickson] Kill by Natalie Picone (from Eden Fukushima). Point CABRILLO
  CABRILLO subs: Chloe Dane; Patrice Wiliams.  
23-20 [Chloe Dane] Attack error by Leanna Schott (block by Amber Bothman; Natalie Picone). Point CABRILLO
24-20 [Chloe Dane] Attack error by Zaire Dartis. Point CABRILLO
[Chloe Dane] Kill by Zaire Dartis (from Rachel Lods). Point LAPIERCE 24-21
25-21 [Leanna Schott] Kill by Natalie Picone (from Eden Fukushima). Point CABRILLO
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  CABRILLO starters: Amber Bothman; Sydney Stanley; Natalie Picone; Marcela Frazzoni; Eden Fukushima; Patrice Wiliams; libero Alyssa Nelson.  
  LAPIERCE starters: Chelsea Lawrence; Montana Sheppard; Rachel Lods; Leanna Schott; Shanon Volpis; Kamala Lovick; libero Darrin Rice.  
[Natalie Picone] Kill by Chelsea Lawrence (from Rachel Lods). Point LAPIERCE 0-1
[Darrin Rice] Ball handling error by Natalie Picone. Point LAPIERCE 0-2
[Darrin Rice] Attack error by Marcela Frazzoni (block by Chelsea Lawrence; Leanna Schott). Point LAPIERCE 0-3
1-3 [Darrin Rice] Attack error by Chelsea Lawrence. Point CABRILLO
2-3 [Alyssa Nelson] Kill by Sydney Stanley (from Alyssa Nelson). Point CABRILLO
3-3 [Alyssa Nelson] Attack error by Montana Sheppard (block by Eden Fukushima; Patrice Wiliams). Point CABRILLO
[Alyssa Nelson] Kill by Leanna Schott (from Rachel Lods). Point LAPIERCE 3-4
  LAPIERCE subs: Bea Hernandez; Chelsea Lawrence.  
[Bea Hernandez] Kill by Montana Sheppard (from Rachel Lods). Point LAPIERCE 3-5
[Bea Hernandez] Attack error by Eden Fukushima. Point LAPIERCE 3-6
4-6 [Bea Hernandez] Kill by Eden Fukushima. Point CABRILLO
  CABRILLO subs: Olivia Tabron; Sydney Stanley.  
[Eden Fukushima] Service error. Point LAPIERCE 4-7
  LAPIERCE subs: Zaire Dartis; Kamala Lovick; Julia Erickson; Montana Sheppard.  
5-7 [Julia Erickson] Attack error by Zaire Dartis (block by Olivia Tabron; Patrice Wiliams). Point CABRILLO
[Marcela Frazzoni] Service error. Point LAPIERCE 5-8
6-8 [Leanna Schott] Kill by Natalie Picone (from Eden Fukushima). Point CABRILLO
  CABRILLO subs: Chloe Dane; Patrice Wiliams.  
[Chloe Dane] Kill by Zaire Dartis (from Rachel Lods). Point LAPIERCE 6-9
  LAPIERCE subs: Chelsea Lawrence; Bea Hernandez.  
7-9 [Rachel Lods] Kill by Olivia Tabron (from Eden Fukushima). Point CABRILLO
  CABRILLO subs: Sydney Stanley; Olivia Tabron.  
8-9 [Sydney Stanley] Attack error by Chelsea Lawrence (block by Natalie Picone; Amber Bothman). Point CABRILLO
9-9 [Sydney Stanley] Ball handling error by Darrin Rice. Point CABRILLO
10-9 [Sydney Stanley] Attack error by Zaire Dartis. Point CABRILLO
[Sydney Stanley] Attack error by Sydney Stanley. Point LAPIERCE 10-10
  LAPIERCE subs: Kamala Lovick; Zaire Dartis; Montana Sheppard; Julia Erickson.  
[Kamala Lovick] Attack error by Natalie Picone (block by Chelsea Lawrence; Shanon Volpis). Point LAPIERCE 10-11
11-11 [Kamala Lovick] Kill by Amber Bothman (from Eden Fukushima). Point CABRILLO
12-11 [Natalie Picone] Kill by Marcela Frazzoni (from Eden Fukushima). Point CABRILLO
[Natalie Picone] Attack error by Marcela Frazzoni. Point LAPIERCE 12-12
[Darrin Rice] Attack error by Marcela Frazzoni (block by Chelsea Lawrence; Leanna Schott). Point LAPIERCE 12-13
13-13 [Darrin Rice] Attack error by Chelsea Lawrence (block by Amber Bothman; Marcela Frazzoni). Point CABRILLO
  CABRILLO subs: Patrice Wiliams; Chloe Dane.  
[Alyssa Nelson] Kill by Chelsea Lawrence (from Rachel Lods). Point LAPIERCE 13-14
  LAPIERCE subs: Bea Hernandez; Chelsea Lawrence.  
14-14 [Bea Hernandez] Kill by Marcela Frazzoni (from Eden Fukushima). Point CABRILLO
  CABRILLO subs: Olivia Tabron; Sydney Stanley.  
15-14 [Eden Fukushima] Attack error by Montana Sheppard (block by Olivia Tabron). Point CABRILLO
16-14 [Eden Fukushima] Attack error by Leanna Schott (block by Marcela Frazzoni; Patrice Wiliams). Point CABRILLO
  Timeout LAPIERCE.  
[Eden Fukushima] Kill by Montana Sheppard (from Rachel Lods). Point LAPIERCE 16-15
  LAPIERCE subs: Zaire Dartis; Kamala Lovick; Julia Erickson; Montana Sheppard.  
[Julia Erickson] Kill by Zaire Dartis (from Rachel Lods). Point LAPIERCE 16-16
[Julia Erickson] Kill by Zaire Dartis (from Rachel Lods). Point LAPIERCE 16-17
17-17 [Julia Erickson] Kill by Marcela Frazzoni (from Eden Fukushima). Point CABRILLO
[Marcela Frazzoni] Kill by Zaire Dartis (from Rachel Lods). Point LAPIERCE 17-18
18-18 [Leanna Schott] Service error. Point CABRILLO
  CABRILLO subs: Chloe Dane; Patrice Wiliams.  
19-18 [Chloe Dane] Attack error by Zaire Dartis (block by Amber Bothman; Olivia Tabron). Point CABRILLO
  LAPIERCE subs: Valentina Krivokapic; Shanon Volpis.  
20-18 [Chloe Dane] Attack error by Zaire Dartis. Point CABRILLO
[Chloe Dane] Kill by Zaire Dartis (from Rachel Lods). Point LAPIERCE 20-19
  LAPIERCE subs: Chelsea Lawrence; Bea Hernandez.  
[Rachel Lods] Service ace (Marcela Frazzoni). Point LAPIERCE 20-20
21-20 [Rachel Lods] Kill by Amber Bothman (from Eden Fukushima). Point CABRILLO
  CABRILLO subs: Sydney Stanley; Olivia Tabron.  
[Sydney Stanley] Kill by Chelsea Lawrence (from Rachel Lods). Point LAPIERCE 21-21
  LAPIERCE subs: Kamala Lovick; Zaire Dartis; Montana Sheppard; Julia Erickson.  
22-21 [Kamala Lovick] Kill by Eden Fukushima (from Sydney Stanley). Point CABRILLO
[Natalie Picone] Attack error by Marcela Frazzoni (block by Valentina Krivokapic; Chelsea Lawrence). Point LAPIERCE 22-22
23-22 [Darrin Rice] Kill by Marcela Frazzoni (from Eden Fukushima). Point CABRILLO
  CABRILLO subs: Patrice Wiliams; Chloe Dane.  
[Alyssa Nelson] Service error. Point LAPIERCE 23-23
  LAPIERCE subs: Bea Hernandez; Chelsea Lawrence.  
24-23 [Bea Hernandez] Kill by Marcela Frazzoni (from Eden Fukushima). Point CABRILLO
  CABRILLO subs: Olivia Tabron; Sydney Stanley.  
25-23 [Eden Fukushima] Attack error by Leanna Schott (block by Patrice Wiliams; Marcela Frazzoni). Point CABRILLO
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  CABRILLO starters: Sydney Stanley; Eden Fukushima; Patrice Wiliams; Amber Bothman; Natalie Picone; Marcela Frazzoni; libero Alyssa Nelson.  
  LAPIERCE starters: Valentina Krivokapic; Bea Hernandez; Rachel Lods; Zaire Dartis; Leanna Schott; Hayley Alvarez; libero Darrin Rice.  
[Hayley Alvarez] Service ace (Natalie Picone). Point LAPIERCE 0-1
1-1 [Hayley Alvarez] Kill by Marcela Frazzoni (from Eden Fukushima). Point CABRILLO
[Alyssa Nelson] Kill by Leanna Schott (from Rachel Lods). Point LAPIERCE 1-2
[Leanna Schott] Service ace (Sydney Stanley). Point LAPIERCE 1-3
[Leanna Schott] Attack error by Marcela Frazzoni. Point LAPIERCE 1-4
2-4 [Leanna Schott] Service error. Point CABRILLO
  CABRILLO subs: Olivia Tabron; Sydney Stanley.  
[Eden Fukushima] Kill by Valentina Krivokapic (from Rachel Lods). Point LAPIERCE 2-5
  LAPIERCE subs: Chelsea Lawrence; Bea Hernandez.  
3-5 [Rachel Lods] Kill by Marcela Frazzoni (from Eden Fukushima). Point CABRILLO
4-5 [Marcela Frazzoni] Service ace (Hayley Alvarez). Point CABRILLO
5-5 [Marcela Frazzoni] Service ace (Hayley Alvarez). Point CABRILLO
[Marcela Frazzoni] Kill by Zaire Dartis (from Rachel Lods). Point LAPIERCE 5-6
  LAPIERCE subs: Kamala Lovick; Zaire Dartis; Montana Sheppard; Hayley Alvarez.  
6-6 [Kamala Lovick] Kill by Olivia Tabron (from Eden Fukushima). Point CABRILLO
  CABRILLO subs: Chloe Dane; Patrice Wiliams.  
7-6 [Chloe Dane] Kill by Natalie Picone (from Eden Fukushima). Point CABRILLO
8-6 [Chloe Dane] Attack error by Montana Sheppard. Point CABRILLO
9-6 [Chloe Dane] Attack error by Chelsea Lawrence. Point CABRILLO
  Timeout LAPIERCE.  
[Chloe Dane] Kill by Valentina Krivokapic (from Rachel Lods). Point LAPIERCE 9-7
10-7 [Darrin Rice] Attack error by Montana Sheppard. Point CABRILLO
  CABRILLO subs: Sydney Stanley; Olivia Tabron.  
11-7 [Sydney Stanley] Attack error by Chelsea Lawrence. Point CABRILLO
[Sydney Stanley] Service error. Point LAPIERCE 11-8
  LAPIERCE subs: Bea Hernandez; Chelsea Lawrence.  
[Bea Hernandez] Kill by Montana Sheppard (from Rachel Lods). Point LAPIERCE 11-9
12-9 [Bea Hernandez] Attack error by Montana Sheppard. Point CABRILLO
[Natalie Picone] Attack error by Marcela Frazzoni. Point LAPIERCE 12-10
  LAPIERCE subs: Zaire Dartis; Kamala Lovick; Hayley Alvarez; Montana Sheppard.  
[Hayley Alvarez] Kill by Leanna Schott (from Rachel Lods). Point LAPIERCE 12-11
13-11 [Hayley Alvarez] Service error. Point CABRILLO
  LAPIERCE subs: Julia Erickson; Hayley Alvarez.  
  CABRILLO subs: Patrice Wiliams; Chloe Dane.  
14-11 [Alyssa Nelson] Kill by Patrice Wiliams (from Eden Fukushima). Point CABRILLO
15-11 [Alyssa Nelson] Kill by Marcela Frazzoni (from Eden Fukushima). Point CABRILLO
[Alyssa Nelson] Kill by Zaire Dartis (from Darrin Rice). Point LAPIERCE 15-12
16-12 [Leanna Schott] Service error. Point CABRILLO
  CABRILLO subs: Olivia Tabron; Sydney Stanley.  
17-12 [Eden Fukushima] Attack error by Valentina Krivokapic. Point CABRILLO
18-12 [Eden Fukushima] Kill by Patrice Wiliams (from Eden Fukushima). Point CABRILLO
[Eden Fukushima] Kill by Valentina Krivokapic (from Rachel Lods). Point LAPIERCE 18-13
  LAPIERCE subs: Chelsea Lawrence; Bea Hernandez.  
19-13 [Rachel Lods] Service error. Point CABRILLO
  Timeout LAPIERCE.  
[Marcela Frazzoni] Service error. Point LAPIERCE 19-14
  LAPIERCE subs: Kamala Lovick; Zaire Dartis; Montana Sheppard; Julia Erickson.  
20-14 [Kamala Lovick] Service error. Point CABRILLO
  CABRILLO subs: Chloe Dane; Patrice Wiliams.  
21-14 [Chloe Dane] Attack error by Valentina Krivokapic. Point CABRILLO
[Chloe Dane] Service error. Point LAPIERCE 21-15
[Darrin Rice] Attack error by Olivia Tabron. Point LAPIERCE 21-16
  Timeout CABRILLO.  
[Darrin Rice] Service ace (Marcela Frazzoni). Point LAPIERCE 21-17
[Darrin Rice] Attack error by Olivia Tabron. Point LAPIERCE 21-18
[Darrin Rice] Attack error by Marcela Frazzoni. Point LAPIERCE 21-19
[Darrin Rice] Attack error by Amber Bothman (block by Leanna Schott). Point LAPIERCE 21-20
22-20 [Darrin Rice] Kill by Natalie Picone (from Eden Fukushima). Point CABRILLO
  CABRILLO subs: Sydney Stanley; Olivia Tabron.  
23-20 [Sydney Stanley] Kill by Sydney Stanley (from Eden Fukushima). Point CABRILLO
24-20 [Sydney Stanley] Service ace (Kamala Lovick). Point CABRILLO
25-20 [Sydney Stanley] Attack error by Montana Sheppard. Point CABRILLO
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